Analysis of Difficult Loan for Grant in Aid in Colleges from Human Capital View 从人力资本角度探析高校助学金贷款难问题
A knotty problem, question, etc Analysis of Difficult Loan for Grant in Aid in Colleges from Human Capital View 难以解决的疑难、问题等.从人力资本角度探析高校助学金贷款难问题
Enhancing the research on the problems resulting from implementing the state grant in aid program and putting forward relevant suggestions and countermeasures will surely contribute to the smooth accomplishment of this project. 加强对推行国家助学贷款中存在问题的研究,并提出相应的对策和建议,有助于此项工作顺利及深入地开展。
Based on the investigation on the agricultural science technological system and operational mechanism, the operational mechanism in three aspects-research organization of the US Agricultural Department, Agricultural research and extension devices of the grant in aid universities as well as the research organization in the private enterprises-was presented. 在对美国农业科技体系及运行机制进行考查研究的基础上,阐述了构成该体系的联邦农业部科研机构、赠地大学农业科研及推广机构、私人企业科研机构等三方面的运行机制。
The college loan for grant in aid policy plays an important role at the primary stage, after the students graduated, the loan can not be recalled according to credit, so the bank greatly reduces the loan business for grant in aid. 高校助学金贷款政策在实行初始阶段发挥了重要作用,然而随着大学生毕业后不能按信用归还贷款,银行大幅缩减了助学贷款方面的业务。
Factors Restrict in g Grant in aid Loan and their Countermeasures 制约助学贷款主要因素及克服措施